t Test

What is an t Test? A t Test is comparing the means of two categories (e.g., male vs. female).

There are 3 types of t Tests:

  1. One-sample t Test (your sample vs. the population)
    1. Average height of people in this class (our sample) vs. average height of world population
  2. Paired sample t Test (same population, Time 1 vs. Time 2)
    1. How well you do on a methods test in December vs. how well you do on a methods test in February
  3. Independent sample t Test (two populations)
    1. Average GPA of Pepperdine students vs. USC students

Run a t Test

Paired Sample t Test

1. Click Analyze → Compare Means → One Sample T Test

Paired Sample t Test

1. Click Analyze → Compare Means → Paired Samples T Test

2. Move the two variables you want analyzed over to the right box and click OK

3. You’ll get an Output

How would you write this up?

A paired-samples t-test indicates that Secretary Clinton provides stronger leadership (M=1.85, SD=1.50) than does Mr. Trump (M=1.53, SD=1.47), t(577) = 2.87, p<.05.

*Notice: SD is italicized above

Independent sample t Test

1. Click Analyze → Compare Means → Independent Sample T Test