Downloading PSPP


Step 1: Go to the PSPP Website

Step 2: At the top, there is a menu of actions. Click “Download.”

Step 3: Choose the correct program, whether you have a MAC or a PC.

If you have a PC: Select the most recent version. You should choose which one is best for your operating system, 32 or 64 bits. 

If you have a Mac: Select the hyperlinked .dmg file.

If You Have A Mac: Your computer might not recognize PSPP when you open the program, and you’ll get this message

To fix this, go to Apple → System Preferences → Security & Privacy

Select the “General” tab, then unlock your account (the lock at the bottom). When you have unlocked your account, the “Open Anyway” button should light up. Select it.

When you try to open PSPP, you’ll see this pop-up box. Select “Open” and PSPP will open.